Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Plant A Tree

With Earth Day, just a few days ago, it seems we should naturally talk about planting trees. I won't be of much help with what tree to plant or where but just a story to share that has given me much joy that is connected to a few trees that were once brought to being, with the simple yet profound thought of planting a tree. Was it to my surprise, as I walked out the door last spring, that I would meet the original owners of this house that I live in now. They were looking for my neighbor and asked if I knew when she would be back. I don't remember the details of that part of the conversation but then it progressed to a complete surprise, the son said, "We used to own that house that you live in" and gestured towards his mom. I was so shocked. I invited them in, thinking it would be fun for them to see the house that was once theirs. As they walked in, the son exclaimed, "Those were our end tables and our lamps!" As we walked into the sun room, "That's our dining room table and chairs!" I think they were in as much disbelief as I was. I was in such a wonderful shock, if I can describe it that way. And the biggest shock was that my three favorite pine trees were once about a foot tall and planted by the same family that was standing right in front of me. I couldn't stop thanking them. I love these trees. Somethings feel like they were always a certain way and as silly it may sound, the pine trees felt like they were always this strong and had such a presence here. The appreciation that I feel towards this family for the trees that were planted many years ago, I can't even express. As weird as it sounds, I don't think I would love this house as much as I do, if there were no pine trees hugging it at almost every corner. So, plant a tree for you but also for the joy that it will give to one person one day. I am forever grateful.


  1. I am Steve's sister and wanted to thank you for the gift you gave my brother and mother last year by allowing them into your home. We have a photo at home showing me with one of these trees when we planted them.....think i was about four years old and the tree couldn't have been more than six inches tall. Would love for Steve to send you a would be so amazed. That house was so loved by our family and we are so happy that you are loving it too.

  2. Hi Kristen! I'm smiling ear to ear right now! It was my pleasure and it was a gift for me too! And just can't wait to see that picture! The trees are about thirty-five/forty feet tall right now! I love them and can't thank you all enough for planting them! The door is always open!

