Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spilled Milk, Lemonade and the Broken Iris

I saw a pair of beautiful cloud ballet bearded irises at a local flower nursery. I had to have them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they were a little bruised, a little battered and needed a little love, patience and good soil. But the towering two bloomed buds were voluptuous, proud, heavenly blue and they were what I call singing. But a little battered they were, as the wind must have gotten to them as the soil was at an angle in the pot, most of the rhizome visible, the greens and the heavy unbloomed buds were fighting to stand upright. I got home and placed them in the backyard to later find them on their sides, I underestimated the wind that day and they had fallen over. I rushed over to them and picked them up. I mistakenly attempted to straighten one of the leaning stems out as I firmly grasped above the rhizome and it snapped in my hand. A sadness completely overwhelmed me. What do you do when milk spills? What do you do when in your own life you have been snapped at the core but make the best of it. After my irrational sadness, I felt it thoroughly and made peace with it. The bruised greens looked even worse without their powder blue prizes but I let go of the regret and took the bud, along with the other one and placed them in bud vases. And what surprising joy did they bring to me for the beauty that was brought inside. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, as in life what initially gives you sadness you can turn into pure joy.

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