Monday, May 13, 2013

Golden Gate Meat Company Spice Rub & Sriracha Ribs

As a food lover that is trying to lose weight, I don't want to lose the flavor! I want to make substitutions that will leave me satisfied and retrain my taste buds away from craving sugar. I love a good barbecue sauce but they are usually filled with sugar, once my friend, now my foe. Luck me, my cousin sent me a great pork and poultry spice rub from the Golden Gate Meat Company (that was in my birthday package that I was obsessing over and still am!) It's full of flavor and has no sugar, no MSG or the dreaded g-word. Gluten. (Another frenemy.) I love it and although the spice rub is not on their website, you can still order it via phone or e-mail. You can contact them at 415.983.7800 or They have other rubs available along with a Rasta Rub, which I would love to try out one day! I combined the rub with Sriracha sauce, which although the second ingredient is sugar, it never leaves me with those sugar cravings and it has only five calories per teaspoon. I will probably disappoint alot of true barbecueers out there as I par-boil my ribs before throwing them on the grill. ( I know, I know. I hang my head down low in shame. I just haven't learned the trick to cook them through without burning them. Maybe one day...) But either way, enjoy!

  • pork ribs, par-boiled
  • Golden Gate Meat Company pork & poultry spice rub
  • Sriracha sauce

Once your ribs are cool enough to handle, baste them with the Sriracha sauce. I used just enough to get the ribs moistened. Next, coat with a liberal amount of the spice rub, packing it on. Once your grill is nice and hot, place the ribs in the grill, until you get some nice grill marks on them and the ribs are cooked through, turning as needed.

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