Thursday, May 2, 2013

National Prayer Day 5/2

The magic created by touching our palms together in symbolic gesture of prayer can be felt throughout the world, when done in good intention. As we pray, we whisper in God's ear our deepest desires, our thanks, our heartfelt yearnings, our wishes and feelings of gratitude for the blessings we have. As I've prayed, I've felt closest to God in solitude, not where you would think but when driving, as I appear to be talking to myself but really it's not to myself but to God. I don't get a verbal answer, although I wish I did but I do have a sense of calm that comes over me, along with clarity. I feel that connection no only when driving but when meditiating and gardening. Prayer can happen anywhere, at anytime but on a special day, such as today, I feel miracles can happen of healing and restoration, as groups gather to pray together. Praying in private can take place anywhere but I feel prayers are especaially magnified, when working with the earth. The miracles that happen during the springtime show us that any seeds we plant in God's ear can blossom, as flowers almost miraculously come to be. Take a little time out to do a soul gardening and to be in communtion with God, if you believe, prayers are heard and miracles can happen.

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