Tuesday, December 18, 2012

In Memory of Connecticut Angels

I started to write about a popcorn recipe and tried to make it light hearted and it just felt wrong because inside and out, I am crying a river of tears. This blog is about sharing a recipe with you, some deeper thoughts sprinkled throughout and maybe an inspiring idea to make your space happier, for goodness sake this blog has the word happiness in the title. But I feel far from, very far from it. I'm so sad that those little kids didn't get to experience life. In a essence they were, now are, angels. At the same time, I'm angry, why did it have to happen and as many times, as I go through my thoughts, I can't make peace with any of them. We are all crying, inside and out and my prayers go out to the families and God, I wish that there was a magic eraser that could take away their pain and just bring their babies back. There is a light to this darkness, there just has to be, and I hope that it comes very soon because we need it, after such a heart-wrenching heartbreak. We pray for you and with you, that you may find peace in your hearts one day.


  1. Very eloquently put!

    It's a sad world we live in where are kids have to be scared to go to school
