Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mix & Match Silverware

When seeing those big arrows pointing "Garage Sale," I follow. Under trance, I am a puppet. The master being the big hand drawn arrow. I am hooked and I am there. And the more arrows to follow, the better. Especially on early Saturday mornings. There is nothing like an iced coffee in hand, on a warm day, scouting out the best goods, sun not quite as strong yet. Finding something almost too good to be true for a few bucks can put such a smile on my face. I can hardly contain myself, I do cartwheels in my head. My feet do a little happy dance. Heart palpitations follow. I think I'm being dramatic, but it's true. I'm in the zone, taking inventory of what I have, balancing it with what I need or really want. I've found some great things at garage sales and sometimes they are obvious finds. The cast iron candle holders, the lion trimmed brass planter, the vintage Singer sewing machine (that doesn't work) the rebounder (that I don't use) All immediate buys! But some of the less obvious, being forks, spoons and knives. Being drawn to the beauty of them, I started buying a few here, a few there and in their incompleteness, they are complete. Mixed and matched, making a beautiful set all on their own.

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