Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cucumber, Apple & Cilantro Juice with Turmeric & Curry

A refreshing cucumber and apple juice, flavored with turmeric and curry for breakfast before a Fat Tuesday indulgence of a slice of pizza for lunch or dinner? I've been dreaming of a gooey slice of pizza for days. Do I indulge or do I restrain? Will I hang my head down low in shame, as I hug my belly to soothe the pain, as the lactose slowly affects it? Or will I just love that slice so much, that I will have another? With a cola? (Gasp.) Will I have regrets? How badly will it affect my twenty pound weight loss so far? Will I be able to face myself in the mirror tomorrow morning? And how bad will juicing again be PPS? (post pizza slice.) Decisions, decisions...To be continued...

  • 1 large cucumber, peeled and juiced
  • 1 Granny Smith apple, juiced
  • 1 large bunch of cilantro with stems, juiced
  • pinch of curry powder
  • pinch of turmeric

Combine all of the juices and the spices, stir well. Sprinkle with additional turmeric and give it a little swirl with a butter knife, just to make it pretty. Serves 1. Enjoy!

PPS Report:
February 13, 2013
4:43 P.M.
It was a Fat Tuesday in the fattest sense. I'm not proud. Juicing today has been harder after the momentum of it, gets a break with such a super rich indulgence, like a slice of pizza, etc. It's so much better to just go with the juicing-all the way and not to falter. It's not quite worth the disappointment, the strong carbohydrate and sugar cravings afterwards and waking up at four in the morning with the worst nausea and a sense of confusion along with feeling weak, physically and in character.  But it's not a time to lament on my flaws, just a time to re-focus. Stay strong juicers!

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